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Has your child's hearing been checked?

Hearing problems in children can often be overlooked. The most common type of hearing problem is a blockage of fluid in the middle ear system that causes fluctuations in the hearing. On some days the hearing may be within the normal range but on other days there can be significant hearing loss.

Hearing is very important in children for:


  Speech and language development

  Social interactions



How is the hearing test performed?

Children aged 12 months to 2 years:

  1. Middle ear test: A small probe is placed in the ear to 'draw a picture'. This test checks for a blockage behind the eardrum. 
  2. Puppet show: The child is taught to turn their head to the window when they hear a sound through the speaker and they will see a puppet appear.

Children aged 2-5 years:

  1. Middle ear test: A small probe is placed in the ear to 'draw a picture'. This test checks for a blockage behind the eardrum. 
  2. Pegboard Game: The child is taught to put a pen in the pegboard each time they hear a sound.
  3. Copy Game: The child is taught to repeat back words.

Children aged over 5 years:

  1. Middle ear test: A small probe is placed in the ear to 'draw a picture'. This test checks for a blockage behind the eardrum. 
  2. The child will be required to wear headphones and press a button each time a sound is heard.
  3. Copy Game: The child is taught to repeat back words. 


Arrange A Hearing Test

If you have concerns about your child's hearing, arrange for a test. A comprehensive assessment will identify any hearing problems. If there is an issue, your doctor will manage the condition, or if necessary, arrange a referral to an ENT specialist.

At Hearing Health we will always be there for you to identify or monitor your child's hearing and coordinate medical care if required.