Australian Government Hearing Program
Hearing Health is proud to be an accredited provider of the government subsidised hearing program.
If you are an Australian citizen or a permanent resident 21 years or older and meet one of the following criteria, you are eligible for a hearing service voucher.
- Centrelink Pensioner Concession Card
- Centrelink Sickness Allowance
- DVA Pensioner Concession Card
- DVA Gold Card - issued for all conditions
- DVA White Cards - issued for hearing loss
- Dependant of a person with a concession above
- Current Serving Member of the Australian Defence Force
The hearing services voucher entitles you to a free comprehensive hearing test, an individual rehabilitation plan (which may include the fitting of hearing aids) and ongoing appointments and hearing check as required. Should you choose to be fitted with hearing aids, there is also a subsidised battery and maintenance program you can elect to join.

If you have any questions about the Australian Government Hearing Program or need any help completing the application form, please feel free to phone us on 07 5575 9375.